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High mountain azaleas compete to bloom

Time:2024-04-22     Click:

Since mid-April, tourists coming to the Zhangxi Village in the Zhangshui Town can not only enjoy cherry blossoms all round, but also see 30 acres of azaleas dancing in the wind. (Photo by Zhang Haohua and Zhou Zhengxiao)



Entering the High Mountain Azalea Garden, you can see that the petals of the azaleas are mainly red. When the flowers are in full bloom, the bright petals swayed in the wind, exuding a graceful appearance. From afar, they looked like silk and dawn, complementing the background of lush mountains with a unique charm. "At that time, the construction of the High Mountain Azaleas Garden was to extend the flowering period of this scenic spot, first cherry blossoms and then azaleas." Lu Genshui, the person in charge of the Azaleas Garden and Chairman of the Zhangxi Flower and Wood Professional Cooperative, introduced that this year, due to the lower temperature in the early stage, cherry blossoms bloomed later, making many tourists see the scene of cherry blossoms and azaleas blooming together.

Address: Houhu Reservoir in the Zhangxi Cherry Blossom Garden, Zhangshui Town, Haishu District. Admission fee is 10 yuan/person, and operating hours are from 7:30 to 16:30.