>>English>>Haishu Today

The "return to work through train" comes!

Time:2023-02-03     Click:

In the afternoon of January 29, with a "return to work through train" from the Xingyi City, Guizhou Province driving into the stop of the South Square of the Ningbo Railway Station, workers from the Xingyi County, Guizhou Province who had traveled for two days returned to Ningbo, their "second hometown", and went back to enterprises where they work for after meeting with the pickup working staff from the company. "I have been working in Haishu for three years, and the benefits are good, so I brought several young people to work together this time." Gu Tianwu, a migrant worker, said.

This time, 83 migrant workers in Guizhou come to Ningbo for work. On the sixth day of the Chinese New Year, they got on 2 buses chartered by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of the Xingyi City, Guizhou to come to Ningbo for work. On the same day, Zhang Mei, Deputy Director of the Human Resources Department of the Ningbo Shuaitelong Group Co., Ltd., was one of the people who went to pick up workers arriving. She found the migrant workers with a hand of employee information booklet and said that the company had prepared washing and bedding materials at employees' accommodation, and that workers could start work after taking a full rest.

"After receiving the information released by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of the Xingyi City, Guizhou Province on the sixth day of the Chinese New Year, we informed relevant enterprises to arrange personnel to pick up these migrant workers, so as to 'point to point' help employees return to work quickly, and to help enterprises resume work for speeding up production." Situ Dandong, Deputy Director of the Haishu District Employment Management Center, introduced that from January 21 to February 5, the Haishu District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will grant a subsidy of 50% of the charter fee, up to 200,000 yuan at the most for enterprises under its jurisdiction that organize employees to return to work, or transport employees back to work by labor cooperation export places outside the province. For employees who return to work in the Haishu District on their own and who are not registered residents of the city, they will be given back-to-work transportation subsidies, with the subsidy standard of 100 yuan/person for those come from outside the city but within the province, 300 yuan/person in the East China, and 500 yuan/person outside the East China.

In order to give migrant workers more choices and confidence to work in the city, relevant departments in the Haishu District had launched the "Spring Wind Action & Employment Assistance Month" 2023 activity before the Spring Festival holiday, and held more than 30 recruitment activities of various types and in various forms throughout the district.

For the next step, the Haishu District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will continue to focus on the needs of enterprises to start to or return to work after the holiday, organize and carry out the year activity of providing services themed "All resources converge to come to Haishu", online and offline job fairs for labor cooperation outside the province, and the job fair at the South Railway Station during the coming Lantern Festival, so as to send migrant workers "returning to work after the holiday" and "immediate employment" personnel to work, making every effort to ensure that Haishu enterprises "start work at the beginning of the Chinese New Year" and "a good start at the beginning of the Year of Rabbit".